New Mass Schedule Announced for September 2024

Starting September 1, 2024, the Guardian Angel Cathedral will be returning to a schedule similar to what it had before the COVID-19 pandemic. Effective Sunday, September 1, 2024, the new schedule is:

Weekday Masses (Starting September 1)

  • 9 AM – Mass
  • 12:10 PM – Mass

Saturday (Starting September 1)

  • 2:30 PM – Mass
  • 4:30 PM – Mass

Sunday (Starting September 1)

  • 7:30 AM – Mass
  • 9 AM – Mass
  • 11 AM – Mass
  • 1 PM – Mass

Help Needed

With an upcoming expanded Mass schedule, Guardian Angel Cathedral is in critical need of liturgical volunteers. If you are available to serve, even if it’s just once a month, we would love to have you. We will provide all training. We have a critical need in the following areas:

  • Lector (Reader)
  • Usher
  • Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

To express interest, please use the form below to provide your information: