All Souls’ Day 2022 Remembrance
The Guardian Angel Cathedral parish family includes locals and tourists from around the world alike. This year for All Souls’ Day, November 2, we encourage each of you to participate this year in our virtual “Ofrenda,” or Altar de Muertos. This is a Mexican tradition of remembering our deceased loved ones with a photograph. There are many variations on this tradition in several cultures around the globe.
Due to the international nature of ministry at Guardian Angel Cathedral, we will be creating a virtual remembrance of our Cathedral family’s loved ones. In order to participate, you will need to submit a photo online using this form. You will only be able to submit one photo per person. Please be sure to complete all of required fields (denoted by the red asterisk). You will only be allowed to upload one photo per person, and this form will only accept one person/photo at a time.
You are encouraged to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
We will accept photos via this online form through 12 PM on Sunday, October 16, 2022.
Click here to submit your photo.