New Weekday Mass/Confession Time
Effective January 1, 2024 Monday through Friday, weekday Masses will be celebrated at 12:10 PM
Effective January 1, 2024 Monday through Friday, weekday Masses will be celebrated at 12:10 PM
Christmas Eve Sunday, 12/24 Please note that the 9 AM and 11 AM Masses on Sunday, December 24 do NOT fulfill your Christmas obligation. Those Masses fulfill your obligation to…
Guardian Angel Cathedral will close immediately after the 9 AM Mass on Friday, November 10. The Cathedral will resume normal hours of operation at 2 PM on Saturday, November 11…
The Cathedral will close immediately after the 9 AM Mass on 11/15 and will remain closed until 7 AM on 11/19 for the 7:30 AM Mass. The Cathedral will not be open nor…
Guardian Angel Cathedral will close immediately after the 9 AM Mass on Monday, September 4. The Cathedral will resume normal hours of operation at 8 AM on Tuesday, September 5. The Cathedral…
Guardian Angel Cathedral will be open from 8 AM to 9:30 AM on Monday, July 3. The Cathedral will close immediately after the 9 AM Mass. On Independence Day, there…
May 30, 2023 (LAS VEGAS) – Pope Francis has created the Archdiocese of Las Vegas and named the Most Reverend George Leo Thomas, Ph.D., as the first Metropolitan Archbishop of…
Palm Sunday 2:30 PM Saturday Vigil Mass in Anticipation of Sunday 7:30 AM 9 AM 11 AM Holy Thursday 7 PM English Mass The Cathedral will close immediately after the…
Guardian Angel Cathedral will have the following Masses on Ash Wednesday: 9 AM 12:10 PM 5 PM
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed away on New Year’s Eve at the age of 95 at the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican Gardens. Pope Benedict served as Supreme Pontiff…