Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter 2024
Palm Sunday
- 2:30 PM Saturday Vigil Mass in Anticipation of Sunday
- The Cathedral will close immediately after the 2:30 PM Palm Sunday Vigil Mass
- 7:30 AM
- 9 AM
- 11 AM
- The Cathedral will close immediately after the 11 AM Palm Sunday liturgy
Holy Thursday
- 7 PM English Mass
- The Cathedral will close immediately after the Holy Thursday liturgy
Good Friday
- 3 PM – Good Friday Liturgy
- The Cathedral will close immediately after the Good Friday liturgy
Holy Saturday
- 7:30 PM – Easter Vigil Mass (Fulfills Sunday Obligation)
- The Cathedral will close immediately after the Easter Vigil liturgy
Easter Sunday
The Cathedral has limited seating capacity, it is best to arrive early before the scheduled Mass time
- 7:30 AM
- 9 AM
- 11 AM
- The Cathedral will close immediately after the 11 AM Easter Sunday liturgy
Octave of Easter
- 12:10 PM – Monday thru Friday