Reverend Bob Stoeckig
Father Bob Stoeckig was born in southwestern North Dakota and was raised there and in eastern Montana. He studied music at Providence University and received a Master of Arts in music with a major in voice performance and a minor in organ. After graduation he worked on his certification in Music Therapy at Eastern Montana University and worked in a residential treatment facility for adolescents.

He then worked in a parish in Lewistown, Montana where he taught in the grade school and high school and served as Director of Religious Education and Liturgy in the parish.
After the parochial school closed, he worked as Director of Operations for Pan American Industries and moved to the Bay Area when that business was sold to Pentron Products. At Pentron, he worked in marketing for their consumer products division, and later moved to Las Vegas where he became a Vice President in a manufacturing and marketing business called JS Products.
In 1989, he was accepted as a seminarian for the Diocese of Reno-Las Vegas and attended St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, CA. He was ordained a priest in 1994 and stayed in Las Vegas when the diocese split in 1995 and the Diocese of Las Vegas as established.
Since ordination, Father Bob has served at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Christ the King, The Shrine of the Most Holy Redeemer, St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, and St. Andrew’s in Boulder City before being named Rector of Guardian Angel Cathedral. He has also served in various diocesan leadership positions including Vicar General and Chancellor.