Adult Faith Formation Classes
For the first time, Guardian Angel Cathedral will be offering faith formation classes for adults on Sundays and Mondays.
Starting on Sunday, September 15, we will offer “Becoming Catholic” OCIA (formerly known as RCIA) classes for interested adults. Classes will be held in Anderson Hall directly behind the Cathedral. Class will start promptly at 10:30 AM following the 9 AM Mass. This class is for all discerning God’s call to become Roman Catholics no matter where one is at on life’s journey.
For more information on Becoming Catholic, please click here.
Starting in October, on the first Sunday of every month, we will have pre-Baptismal catechesis for parents and godparents following the 1 PM Mass at 2:30 PM. This class will also be held in Anderson Hall directly behind the Cathedral. We do ask that you register with the Cathedral Office by calling during normal business hours (8 AM to 4 PM).
Fr. Mugagga’s Theology Class for Adults will be held every Monday in Anderson Hall following the 9 AM Mass at 10 AM. No registration is required.